Ubuntu 10.04 - STE window doesn't start in centre of the screen

Status: Implemented

Created by leiger 10 Jun 2010 01:09

rating: +1+x

**STE **

For some reason it's starting in the bottom-right corner now. I hadn't noticed that before…

Went back and tested all previous versions and it's doing it there too, so it's not due to any recent changes I made to the code. I may have just not noticed until now…


12 Jun 2010 02:53. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Actually… this might because I was using two monitors at the time. I'm going to test this with only one monitor later.

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17 Jun 2010 09:48. Edited 2 times. (Edit, Permalink)
I've tried upgrading to the Sun JDK (instead of using the OpenJDK) but this isn't fixed… not sure how to fix it anyway so will mark this as un-fixable… until I find a way to fix it :)

Edit: And it wasn't the dual monitors. I disconnected the extra one and it still did not appear in the centre of the remaining monitor.

Included page "inc:signature" does not exist (create it now)


10 Jul 2010 04:14. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Problem solved - Ubuntu was using an open source version of the driver instead of the vendor's own official driver. Switched to the nVidia driver and it works fine now. XD

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