Support for export to data forms

Status: Implemented

Created by bcammo 17 Jul 2010 12:05

rating: +4+x

**STE **

Not sure if this is a bug or feature request, but when I try to export a page to a data form-ed category I get the following error message:

HTTP server returned unexpected status: Internal Server Error
(class org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcHttpTransportException)

When I import an existing data form page I get the same as when you view the 'page source':

field1: 'data1'
field2: 'data2'

Export to data forms would be incredibly handy…



18 Jul 2010 05:12. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
So if you import a data form page, then try exporting again without making any changes at all, it still fails? That would be a bug with the API itself.

It might be a bit far-fetched and quite difficult to implement, but I want to do this:

  • You import a page
  • STE checks the _template page for any data forms
  • If it's a data form category, it shows you a special 'data form editor' instead of the usual text area
  • The data form area has controls added to it dynamically, based on what it reads in the _template
  • Exporting this should work as well…

It's almost a whole separate program in itself! ;-)

Included page "inc:signature" does not exist (create it now)


18 Jul 2010 05:35. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Yep, even trying to export it without making any changes fails.

Your implementation sounds good… but very difficult! I wish you luck…


Included page "inc:signature" does not exist (create it now)


18 Jul 2010 05:48. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Well, I won't be adding that at least until version 3, and over the very long Christmas holidays.

The least that STE should be able to do is to save regular data forms as text.

Included page "inc:signature" does not exist (create it now)


31 Jan 2011 09:49. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Hey Bryce,

Could you confirm whether this is still a problem?

I am able to save data forms in raw format and it seems to work fine, probably due to a change made by Wikidot since you first posted this.

I've considered adding proper "support" for data forms, where you'll actually see a form in STE rather than having to edit the raw code (however it would mean double the loading time for importing pages)… but that is a long way away, and I don't think that's what you are asking for here anyway.


Included page "inc:signature" does not exist (create it now)


31 Jan 2011 12:12. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
A quick test confirms this is no longer a problem - export to data forms works a-okay :)

Included page "inc:signature" does not exist (create it now)


31 Jan 2011 12:21. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)

Included page "inc:signature" does not exist (create it now)

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