If you are using Windows 7, you may want to add STE to the taskbar to make it easier to launch.
Unfortunately, the process to do so is slightly complicated as Windows doesn't support adding JAR files to the taskbar by dragging-and-dropping them. Try to follow these instructions as closely as possible:
Step 1. Firstly, put STE.jar in whatever location you'd like to store it from now onwards. This can be some hidden folder that you rarely use, as you will only want to access the folder when you're updating STE to the latest version. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will show STE.jar located on the Desktop.
Step 2. Once you've done that, right-click STE.jar and choose the "Rename" option. Then rename it to STE.exe instead.
Step 3. Left-click your mouse on STE.exe and hold it down, while you drag the file onto the task bar as shown in the screen capture below. When you see the message "Pin to Taskbar", let go of the mouse to drop the file there.
Step 4. Right-click the icon on the taskbar, then right-click "STE" in the menu that appears, then left-click on "Properties" to open the Properties dialog.
Step 5. With the properties dialog still open, right-click STE.exe in the folder that you put it in during Step 1, and select "Rename". Then rename it back to STE.jar again.
Step 6. Next, edit the "Target" text field in the Properties box by changing the 'exe' at the end to 'jar'. Then click on the OK button to save the changes.
Step 7. To launch STE, click on the taskbar icon.
Note: If you want to add an icon to the shortcut, you can easily do that from the shortcut properties. The STE logo is available for download under the GPL on this page.
Things to remember:
- The taskbar icon is only a shortcut. If you move or rename the file you placed into a folder during Step 1, you will need to open the Properties dialog of the taskbar shortcut and update it to use the new target file path.
- When a new version of STE is released, simply extract it to the same location as the file mentioned in Step 1, and confirm that you want to overwrite the file. Because the file path is the same, the taskbar icon will still work.
- If you click on the taskbar icon, STE will not group correctly and will instead appear as a separate icon on the taskbar.