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Ed Johnson |
14 Jul 2010 00:56. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink) I don't think a user name is actually required to use your API key. I was fooling around with STE API settings while working on the documentation page I just created and discovered that I could put anything or nothing in the user name field and I can still import, export and preview pages. According the the API docs:
user and name of application are not very clear, but it appears that the API key is what is doing the authentication and the user field is used to create some unique internal name or something. Can others test and confirm or deny my findings? Included page "inc:signature" does not exist (create it now) |
leiger |
14 Jul 2010 01:14. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink) I think this is a question that needs to be asked on — it may be worth me removing that username field in the next version of STE to make things simpler. Or at the very least, I could leave it there but try to get the user.valid method working. I assume the purpose of that method is to check a username against an API key to see if they match. Included page "inc:signature" does not exist (create it now) |
GoVegan |
18 Jun 2011 15:43. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink) Included page "inc:signature" does not exist (create it now) |
leiger |
19 Jun 2011 01:59. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink) Currently the application name is not actually used by Wikidot at all, but as far as I understand you will be able to set application-specific settings (or app-specific API keys) in the future and this may be how an application identifies itself (user = application API key, password = user API key). Included page "inc:signature" does not exist (create it now) |