Usage statistics to record screen resolution

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03 Apr 2011 10:56. Edited 1 times. (Edit, Permalink)

Currently the following information is sent when STE is started up:

  • OS name, version and architecture
  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version

I would like to add the following to that list

  • Screen resolution
  • Window dimensions of STE (which would be whatever dimensions were when you last closed it)

Any objections to this? I'd prefer that you be comfortable with the stats being tracked, rather than me making everyone block tracking because they don't like it :)

The reason for this is that it gives me an idea of what size I can make non-resizable dialogs. I don't want to make them bigger than someone's screen, and they should preferably fit within the STE window in most cases as well.

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03 Apr 2011 11:25. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
No objections from me.

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03 Apr 2011 11:39. Edited 1 times. (Edit, Permalink)
I object. You see, I have set the window dimensions of my STE application in such a way that the area of the window (Length x Width) is equal to the number I append to my computer password. If you have access to the window dimension of my STE application, then you have effectively discovered the last few characters of my computer password, which is an invasion of my privacy.</sarcasm>

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03 Apr 2011 12:56. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Haha ;-) Guess I should remove the ability to run STE at all, because you might start it up on your birthday, and you use your birthdate as your password :P

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03 Apr 2011 13:55. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Lol, totally! It's seems a funny thing to request consent for… I mean, it doesn't exactly invade anybody's privacy. But it's good that you're ensuring it's an okay thing to do :)

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(user deleted)

03 Apr 2011 20:50. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
I have no objections either.

The reason for this is that it gives me an idea of what size I can make non-resizable dialogs.

If I were you, the lowest common denominator I'd "officially" support is 1024x768, but still try to keep dialogs inside a 640x480 area if possible (and that's still pretty large for a fixed size dialog box).

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03 Apr 2011 23:12. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Well basically I wanted to say "I'm going to add this to the usage statistics code" - and decided to do a quick check if everyone was OK with it at the same time.

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