JSEditor v0.3 [Released]

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30 May 2010 10:10. Edited 1 times. (Edit, Permalink)


  • Added PageTree and Backlinks module
  • Added auto new line for modules
  • Fixed bug (when New Line already exists, it doesn't create another \r)
  • Fixed bug (no auto new line when on first line)
  • Fixed bug (New line should append modules)
  • Fixed typo (ListUsers prompt)
  • Improved UI
    • Added topbar
    • Added styled buttons
    • Added Hover tips for each button
    • Added hover styling for buttons
    • Added default text for CSS and ListUsers

Download: Zip | 7z

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05 Jun 2010 01:40. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Hi Ken,

I was checking out your editor and found a minor grammatical error:

Remember to copy the text your text editor and save!

Should be

Remember to copy the text to your text editor and save!


Remember to copy the text and paste it into your text editor and save!

I don't quite understand the need for the publish button below the editor window. It's simple enough to copy the text directly from the editor for pasting into a text editor. In fact, it's easier to copy because you can just hit crtl-a/ctrl-c to select all and copy with 2 keypresses.

Dueling editors! I like the direction that both of these projects are going.

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05 Jun 2010 02:12. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Hello Ed,

I was checking out your editor and found a minor grammatical error:

I'll fix that v0.4

I don't quite understand the need for the publish button below the editor window. It's simple enough to copy the text directly from the editor for pasting into a text editor. In fact, it's easier to copy because you can just hit crtl-a/ctrl-c to select all and copy with 2 keypresses.

I am implementing a JS-based Wikidot Parser. The publish button should parse the wiki-syntax. I'll change the text to "Preview".


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05 Jun 2010 02:39. Edited 2 times. (Edit, Permalink)

tsangk wrote:
I am implementing a JS-based Wikidot Parser. The publish button should parse the wiki-syntax. I'll change the text to "Preview".

Already? :O

I haven't even started on mine and the plan was to finish it before you finished yours!

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05 Jun 2010 03:00. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
It is a really basic one. I used the code from my JS Wikidot Renderer
I have completed the following:

  • Bold
  • Italics
  • Underline
  • Strikethrough
  • Superscript
  • Subscript
  • "URL" - (it renders a <a href="#" or <a href="javascript:;" for security reasons
  • Backlinks module
  • Orphaned Pages

The following are under experiment:

  • Tables
  • Comments
  • HR (horizontal rule)
  • Image
  • Colour
  • Size

For some strange reason, size and colour doesn't mix. I can't get a green colour 100px text.

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05 Jun 2010 03:17. Edited 1 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Hmm… with mine I have an extra option. I could generate a HTML file and add it to the desktop, or I could convert it to rich text and show it directly in STE.

There's more than likely a way to show the HTML file in STE as well, but I'd need to look into that.

Good luck getting yours working! I wouldn't expect it to be too easy :|

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