JSEditor v0.4 (Unstable)

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05 Jun 2010 03:39. Edited 5 times. (Edit, Permalink)


  • Added LOTS of new modules
  • Added URL link tag
  • Sorted modules by type
  • Bugfix: New line with formating tags
  • Mistake: Grammar
  • Wikidot Parser (BETA) included!
  • Preview function
  • JS Warning

Please note that this is an unstable release. Once most of the bugs are fixed, a stable release will be released as v0.4.1.


Download: Zip

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05 Jun 2010 04:35. Edited 2 times. (Edit, Permalink)
o.O It works as I type. Nice!

In that case, I don't understand the reason for the "Publish" button? I thought that button was meant to generate the preview.

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05 Jun 2010 04:44. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
In the case where the onKeyUp event is not triggered the publish button can act as a trigger :-)

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10 Jul 2010 04:24. Edited 1 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Any chance of you releasing a stable version of this, or a v0.5 any time soon? :) I'm particularly interested in seeing how the live preview feature evolves.

I don't want to copy how you do it so I haven't even looked… (I like tackling programs on my own… gives a greater sense of achievement I guess) but I'm thinking that I basically need to use a dictionary/hashmap. If I find "**" then I search for that String in the hashmap and it'll return "<b>" instead. Problem is I'm not too good with regular expressions, so detecting whether it's a start or end tag will be my biggest problem :)

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10 Jul 2010 04:27. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Oh and as I said on my blog, I'll help you to get API features working — current version of library that I'm working on does work, but is buggy (especially in the case of the page.save method things can behave unexpectedly), so I don't want to release that yet.

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10 Jul 2010 05:58. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
I lost my flash drive with my next version v0.5. I'm going to start redeveloping my v0.5 from the online v0.4 soon.

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10 Jul 2010 10:18. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Bad luck :(

That reminds me, I need to back up version 2 onto my portable hard drive. All of the version 1 releases are already on there…

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12 Oct 2010 12:58. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Work on v5 has started. This newer version will use my JSApi for Wikidot to generate full previews with the experimental 'live'-preview as an enable only. I was also thinking about redesigning the UI with pull-down modules.

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12 Oct 2010 13:12. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Let me know if I can help in any way :) My Javascript is limited but will be glad to contribute directly to the code if you can think of a way for me to do that.

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15 Oct 2010 10:36. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Shane. Can I ask a question? Do modules get rendered in HTML of the Wikidot API pages.save_one method.

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15 Oct 2010 13:46. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)

Shane. Can I ask a question?

You just did… ;-)

Do modules get rendered in HTML of the Wikidot API pages.save_one method.

Not sure what you're asking here. What modules?

The pages.save_one method lets you give a site, page name, title, source code, tags & parent. Then it saves the page using that information… but you already knew that.

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15 Oct 2010 13:58. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Um… okay. Does STE's current preview render modules? Using Google Chrome OS meaning Java is no-go :)

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15 Oct 2010 23:59. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
So… are you asking that if I was to put a ListPages module into STE, then click the preview button, would it show results from my site? I don't know. I'll test it now for you.

Basically, what it does is to save the page, then use the html (part of the page meta data) to show the preview. That's why it currently needs an Internet connection to work. Only reason I got preview working if the user doesn't have an API key, is because I'm using STEBot instead in that situation. Wanted to make sure everyone could use preview - API key or not.

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16 Oct 2010 00:06. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Answer is no: the module body is not included in the generated html of a page.

If you have a look at http://cyclods.wikidot.com/, you will see a 'Forum' and 'Chatroom' section on the left side of the page. Each has a ListPages module underneath it.

But this is the HTML that the Wikidot API returned for that part of the page:

<h3 id="toc0"><span>Forum</span></h3>
<span style="font-size:80%;"></span>
<p><a href="/forum:recent-posts">» Read more</a></p>
<h3 id="toc1"><span>Chatroom</span></h3>
<span style="font-size:80%;"></span>
<p><a href="/chatroom:public">» Read more</a></p>

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