Request a theme

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06 Jun 2010 03:54. Edited 6 times. (Edit, Permalink)

As of STE v1.20, you are able to select from a pre-defined list of themes. At the moment it's just a foreground and background colour that is changed, but eventually it will also change other parts of the GUI. The foreground colour is the colour of the text.

Are there any requests for theme combinations that you'd like to see?


Suggested name: Default
Background: White or #FFFFFF or (255,255,255)
Foreground: Black or #000000 or (0,0,0)

I enter it into the program as the last one (RGB values) but can easily convert from the others so explain what colours you'd like in whatever format is easiest.

If you want a theme style that isn't already included in STE, request it here!

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06 Jun 2010 04:30. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Some colour ideas:

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06 Jun 2010 09:46. Edited 1 times. (Edit, Permalink)
At the moment it's only the text area that changes colour (so the menu bar, button toolbar and status bar are all unaffected). I haven't released the latest version yet, so I suppose I could improve the way themes work… but was planning to put that off for a little while.

I'll create a new theme with that background colour and black text. The colour is #D6E5F7 or (214,229,247).

Edit: Done. It's currently called the "Tsangk" theme… but you can probably come up with a more descriptive name than that! :) Do you have any suggestions for the theme name?

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06 Jun 2010 12:24. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Er… dunno… what about "Blue Mist" or "Pale Blue"

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(user deleted)

06 Jun 2010 14:53. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Here's a couple…

Green Screen Monitor
background: rgb(0,0,0); color: rgb(0,255,0);

Amber Screen Monitor
background: rgb(0,0,0); color: rgb(185,128,0);

Snowy Blue
background: rgb(0,0,63); color: rgb(255,255,255);

Inverse Amber
background: rgb(185,128,0); color: rgb(0,0,0);

Sales Pitch
background: rgb(255,255,0); color: rgb(255,0,0);

background: rgb(0,0,0); color: rgb(240,240,240);

How tough would it be for you to allow us to set the colors and then save the values in a config file? I suspect you'll have to add some sort of config file at some point, so you might as well start with some user interface options! :)

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06 Jun 2010 22:49. Edited 3 times. (Edit, Permalink)
Yes, I can let you define your own, but I don't really want to add too many components to the GUI that I'm going to delete later. I'm adding a single combo box for this list - and the plan is to eventually replace it with a button to choose a theme file (most likely in XML format) that will give you more than just colour customisation.

I'll add all of those suggestions :)

… except for "Blackboard", which is already the same as the one I added called "Console". Which name should I use?

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